Confined Space is an area where many workers are injured or killed each year while working in these hazardous areas. Estimates that 60% of the fatalities have been among the would-be rescuers is alarming.  To effectively control the risks associated with confined space, a hazard assessment training program should be implemented for your workplace.

This Confined Space Entry course will guide you through all aspects of working in a Confined Space from entry and exit to safe work and rescue procedures. This training program will explain in detail what you need to know, emphasize key points and test your knowledge retention after each module. You should check with your employer to see whether or not you need Confined Spaces Training, and to which level of training you will be required to achieve.

After completion of this course, you should be able to understand:

  • What is a Confined Space?
  • How to Safely Enter a Confined Space
  • Worker and Employer Responsibilities
  • Hazard Recognition and Prevention
  • Safe Work and Rescue Procedures

This training may be supplemented with plan-specific training dependent on the nature of the work. Please contact us if you would like more information or to arrange supplementary training or assistance with developing a confined spaces plan.

Contact EFAS to reserve your training

6 + 2 =

Note: Applicable to all courses 

​Language instructed:

  • English

  • It is recommended that participants registering have an English Level greater than or equivalent to Grade 10 English (British Columbia School System)