Asbestos awareness requires that all employees who could come into contact with materials that might contain asbestos be given appropriate training on working safely in these situations.

This course was created to educate employees about the dangers of working with materials that may contain asbestos.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should have a better understanding of how to:

  • Identify workplace conditions that could result in exposure to asbestos
  • Identify health effects associated with asbestos exposure, including the relationship between smoking and exposure to asbestos in the development of lung disease
  • Identify the control measures and appropriate actions to minimize the possibility of being exposed to or inhaling asbestos fibers
  • Identify your rights and responsibilities when working with materials containing asbestos.

Contact EFAS to reserve your training

8 + 2 =

Note: Applicable to all courses 

​Language instructed:

  • English

  • It is recommended that participants registering have an English Level greater than or equivalent to Grade 10 English (British Columbia School System)