Airway Management / Oxygen Therapy

Airway Management / Oxygen Therapy

Airway Management training is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to create a patent airway, the interventions to maintain it, and the equipment available to carry out these skills. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills required to provide the appropriate interventions, including measuring and inserting the applicable airway adjunct based on the patient’s condition.

Oxygen Therapy

Designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to correctly identify when it is necessary to administer supplemental oxygen.

Participants will learn how to properly and safely handle and assemble the equipment and how to correctly deliver supplemental oxygen through the appropriate delivery device.

Airway Management and Oxygen Therapy can also be combined with Basic Life Support.

Key Content

Airway Management

  • Opening the mouth

  • Cross finger technique

  • Tongue-jaw lift

  • Airway adjuncts – insertion and removal

  • Oropharyngeal (OPA) airways

  • Nasopharyngeal (NPA) airways

  • Supraglottic airways (Awareness only)

  • Suction

Oxygen Therapy

  • Pulse oximetry

  • Supplemental oxygen

  • Oxygen cylinders

  • Oxygen regulators

  • Oxygen delivery devices

  • Administering oxygen

Course Duration

  • Stand-alone course: 2 hours

  • With Basic Life Support: 6 hours


  • None


  • 3 Years

Contact EFAS to reserve your training

15 + 11 =

Note: Applicable to all courses 

​Language instructed:

  • English

  • It is recommended that participants registering have an English Level greater than or equivalent to Grade 10 English (British Columbia School System)