Emergency First Aid with CPR-C/AED (OFA-1 equivalent) Course
Emergency First Aid with CPR-C/AED (OFA-1 equivalent) Course
Emergency First Aid & CPR C is a one-day course combining First Aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) knowledge, as well as other important emergency skills with hands-on practice. Students will learn how to prevent, recognize and prepare for different types of emergencies. The Emergency First Aid and CPR course includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines.
Course Duration:
8 hours
Course Price:
Includes all materials and certification card
Location: 101- 1530 Kingsway Ave, Port Coquitlam
Completion: 100% attendance, skills demonstration, and 75% min. passing grade on written exam
Certification: 3-year certification in Emergency First Aid, CPR Level C or Health Care Providers (HCP), and AED
Course Content:
- Preventing and preparing to respond to emergencies
- The EMS system (Emergency Medical Services) – When and how to access help
- Check, call, care
- Airway and breathing emergencies (choking, asthma, anaphylactic shock)
- Circulation emergencies (life threatening bleeding, heart attack, stroke, shock)
- Respiratory and cardiac arrest
- CPR and automated external defibrillators (AED’s)
- Wound care
- Workplace documentation and how to complete a first aid record
- The Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OHSR) and safety data sheets
- Roles and responsibilities of a first aid attendant in the workplace
Take-Home Materials:
- Online e-manual (comprehensive PDF guide)
- Digital certification card
This course is equivalent to OFA 1 and accepted by WorkSafeBC. Learn about certificates accepted in B.C. workplaces as OFA Level 1 equivalents.
Contact EFAS to reserve your training
Note: Applicable to all courses
Language instructed:
It is recommended that participants registering have an English Level greater than or equivalent to Grade 10 English (British Columbia School System)