Accident/Incident Investigation course explains the purpose and benefits of proper accident or incident investigation, how to prepare for and conduct an investigation, how to distinguish between immediate and underlying causes of accidents or incidents, and how to develop recommendations for corrective actions.

Course elements include:
  • What is an “accident” and an “incident”?
  • Why investigate accidents and incidents?
  • What should be investigated?
  • Who should investigate?
  • How are accidents caused?
  • The accident sequence model
  • Reporting accidents
  • Preparing for an investigation
  • Investigating an accident
  • Improving your health and safety system

Contact EFAS to reserve your training

7 + 8 =

Note: Applicable to all courses 

​Language instructed:

  • English

  • It is recommended that participants registering have an English Level greater than or equivalent to Grade 10 English (British Columbia School System)